在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2019年3期《财经类院校复合型法学人才培养研究》
崔金珍, 王梦娟
天津财经大学 法学院, 天津 300222
起止页码: 79--82页

Research on the Cultivation of Compound Law Talents in Financial and Economic Colleges
CUI Jin-zhen, WANG Meng-juan
School of Law, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin 300222, China
With the advent of the rule of law society, the demand for legal talents in today's society has proliferated. In order to meet the needs of society and the market, all kinds of universities have legal majors. Compared with professional political and law colleges and comprehensive universities, financial and economic colleges do not have advantages in professional legal talent training. Therefore, in order to enhance the core competitiveness of law students in financial institutions, it is necessary to rely on accounting, banking, finance, international trade and other financial backgrounds, starting from the reform of law courses and the construction of teachers, to cultivate irreplaceable and comprehensive compound law talents.

收稿日期: 2019-03-14

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