在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2019年3期《“亡”语义系统发展探析》
临沂大学 文学院, 山东 临沂 276005
起止页码: 46--49页
关键词: 语义 本义 演变 动因

An analysis on the Evolution of the Semantic System of “Wáng”(亡)
MIAO Shou-yan
School of Liberal Arts, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong 276005, China
The original meaning of "Wáng"(亡)is controversial. Many textual researches prove that it be the original meaning of "Máng"(盲). In ancient Chinese, based on the original meaning of "Wáng", a complex semantic system was formed. The semantic system of "Wáng"is constantly changing, and the extension of the original meaning becomes the main meaning. The false meaning disappears. The word "Wáng"(death) also changes from the word used independently to the morpheme.The changes in the ancient and modern semantic systems are mainly caused by the changes in the way human cognitive thinking changes and the self-adjustment of the language system.

收稿日期: 2019-04-03

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