陈敏, 李静
国家开放大学, 北京 100039
起止页码: 99--102页
International Experience and Enlightenment of Intellectual Property Protection of Scientifc Research Achievements in Universities
CHEN Min, LI Jing
The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
In recent decades, developed countries such as the United States, Britain, Germany and Japan have continuously improved their intellectual property legislation or strategic development. The influential universities in China have strengthened the application, transformation and protection of intellectual property rights of scientific research achievements through policies, funds or the establishment of specialized agencies. In the context of the development of information technology and the increasing popularity of network intellectual property rights, domestic universities should pay attention to clarifying the ownership of intellectual property rights of scientific research achievements, pay attention to the protection of intellectual property rights of scientific research achievements, and legally apply network intellectual property rights in their daily work.
收稿日期: 2019-01-18
基金项目: 国家开放大学“十三五”2016年规划课题《高校科研成果知识产权探究——国家开放大学科研管理的视角》(G16A0031Y)
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