扬州大学 商学院, 江苏 扬州 225127
起止页码: 80--84页
The Use of MOOC Resources in Sino-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools
School of Business, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225127, China
The rapid worldwide development of MOOC has influenced the teaching concepts and practices in higher education. In Sino-foreign cooperative program, introduction and utilization of MOOC has become a new channel and carrier for innovating international talent cultivation. Some effective exploratory practices have been made in respects of MOOC course building, teaching entity and teaching method. Meanwhile, problems also exist in the utilization, which reflects in adaptability of MOOC resources and teaching method as well as involvement of teachers. To fully exploit the advantage of MOOC, it is necessary to restructure knowledge system based on MOOC, build up a multi-platform interaction system led by blended teaching mode, and provide both online and offline teaching and learning support to improve the effectiveness of utilization.
收稿日期: 2019-01-10
基金项目: 扬州大学校级教改课题《基于多元教育资源融合的中外合作办学教学模式创新研究》(YZUJX2018-59C)
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