伦冠民, 王妞, 杨雪霞
河北地质大学华信学院, 河北 石家庄 050700
起止页码: 76--79页
The Influence of Big Data Application on Higher Education in Hebei Province and Its Optimization Path
LUN Guan-min, WANG Niu, YANG Xue-xia
Huaxin College of Hebei GEO University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050700, China
Big data plays an important role in promoting the development of higher education in Hebei Province. We should first change the way of thinking and advocate the implementation of big data optimization management measures in university management. A scientific analysis of the predicted results of big data should be made. The advantages of big data should be developed and the means of higher education management should be constantly innovated. Through this way, we can further promote the construction of databases, enrich the data resources, strengthen the data processing capabilities and data analysis capabilities, and improve the teaching quality to the maximum extent.
收稿日期: 2019-01-13
基金项目: 2018年度河北省社会科学发展研究课题《大数据应用对河北省高等教育的影响及优化路径》(201803120159)
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