河北大学 文学院, 河北 保定 071000
起止页码: 44--48页
New Sensation School: New Changes in Literature under the Influence of Urban Culture
XU Li-ning
College of Liberal Arts, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071000, China
The new sensation school focused attention on the modern metropolis of Shanghai in the 1930 s. They used the modern skill to describe the modern life of people. As a literary genre that comes with the new economic form, the content of the new sensation has changed dramatically compared to the literature of the past. The first is the description and pursuit of urban civilization, and it reflects modern people's "modern pain" on a deeper level. The next is the combination of realistic and modern skills, using modern writing skill while truly depicting the city scene. Finally, the new concept of love between urban men and women described to show the difference from traditional love, which reveals the confrontation between traditional Chinese morality and Western thought after its influx. We need to see the attempt of new sensationalism at literary change hidden behind material culture and consumerism.
收稿日期: 2019-02-10
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