天津商务职业学院 旅游学院, 天津 300350
起止页码: 35--39页
On the Marginal Dilemma and Transcendence Path in Patrick Wright's Novels
HE Jin-ru
Institute of Tourism, Tianjin College of Commerce, Tianjin 300350, China
Patrick White believes that, in the 20th century, Western modern people entered an era of collapse of meaning and marginalization of the subject. The exploration of pure spiritual dimensions and simple secular dimensions could not accomplish the task of rebuilding the meaning world. Only by opening a closed self and coming out of the illusion of selfdeification, and establishing a creative dialogue relationship with him and me, can we resolve the "he-he" relationship between the subjects, and then transcend the marginal predicament and rebuild the collapsed meaning world.
收稿日期: 2018-12-08
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