河北广播电视大学, 河北 石家庄050080
起止页码: 31--34页
河北干部网络学院由中共河北省委组织部主办、河北广播电视大学承办,是运用现代信息技术对全省干部开展教育培训的新途径、新平台。上线一年多以来,已有1 800余学时的数字化资源上传资源库。平台资源目前处于建设之初,许多方面还有待完善,可通过拓宽采购渠道和范围、实现课程资源周期替代与更新、增加课程资源的形式等不断完善。
Thoughts on the Status Quo and Countermeasures of the Construction of Cadre Network Education Resources
JIANG Xue-lei
Hebei Radio & TV University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080, China
The Hebei Cadre Network College is sponsored by the Organization Department of the CPC Hebei Provincial Committee and undertaken by Hebei Radio and TV University. It is a new way and platform to use modern information technology for the education and training of cadres over the province. More than 1, 800 hours of digital resources have been uploaded to the online learning resource library for more than a year. Platform resources are currently at the beginning of construction, and many aspects need to be improved. They can be continuously improved by broadening procurement channels and scope, achieving replacement and renewal of curriculum resource cycles, and increasing the form of curriculum resources.
收稿日期: 2019-01-16
基金项目: 河北省社科基金《面向新型干部培训的移动学习模式研究》(HB17JY030)
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