在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2019年1期《艺术类高职院校辅导员培训效果提升策略研究》
刘亮亮, 许可
河北工艺美术职业学院, 河北 保定 071051
起止页码: 71--74页

Strategies for Improving the Effectiveness of Counselors Training in Art Vocational Colleges
LIU Liang-liang, XU Ke
Hebei arts and crafts Career Academy, Baoding, Hebei 071051, China
Counselors are an important part of the teaching and management teams in universities, and they have the dual identities of teachers and cadres. In order to enrich the professional connotation of counselor's work, point out the development direction of counselor's career path, and effectively improve professional quality and professional ability, this paper takes art vocational colleges as an example, according to the working characteristics of counselors in professional colleges, puts forward feasible strategies to improve counselor's training effect, perfect training system and optimize it. The evaluation model, the establishment of incentive mechanism, and the strengthening of safeguard mechanism can really play the role of counselors as organizers, implementers and guides of ideological and political education and management of university students' daily life.

收稿日期: 2018-11-02
基金项目: 2017年度保定市社科规划课题《加强高职院校辅导员培训效果的策略研究》(2017158)

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