在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2019年1期《陈亮与辛弃疾咏物词之比较》
南京师范大学 文学院, 江苏 南京 210024
起止页码: 34--39页

The Similarities and Differences between Chen Liang and Xin Qiji in the Ci Poetry on Objects
GUO Shuai-shuai
College of Literature, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210024, China
Chen Liang and Xin Qiji's Ci poetry on objects are metaphorically clear, high-minded, magnificent and gentle, which form a stark contrast with the Ci of Jiang Kui style. However, Chen Liang and Xin Qiji's Ci poetry on objects also show many differences:the theme of Chen Liang's Ci poetry on objects is conservative and narrow, while that of Xin Qijis Ci poetry is open and broad; the style of Chen Liang's Ci is solemn, Xin Qiji's Ci is both solemn and witty. Chen Liang's Ci poetry is based on calm thinking. The Ci poetry of Xin Qiji is biased towards direct sensation. Chen Liang is purely singing of the objects, and the allusion used is only to serve this purpose; while Xin Qiji combines singing of the objects with the history, the allusions are often the object of chanting. On the whole, the level of Xin Qiji's Ci poetry on objects is far above that of Chen Liang's.

收稿日期: 2018-11-03

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