在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2018年5期《面向在线教育的学习分析云平台的构建与应用——以国家开放大学为例》
魏芳芳, 魏顺平, 吴淑苹
国家开放大学信息化部, 北京 100039
起止页码: 19--25页

Construction and Application of Online Education Cloud Platform for Learning Analysis——Taking the Open University of China as an Example
WEI Fang-fang, WEI Shun-ping, WU Shu-ping
Information Department, the Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
The characteristics of data openness, complexity and diversity generated by online education make data aggregation, analysis and mining become an urgent issue in the field of education. Learning analysis cloud platform is designed and developed based on the demand of massive data aggregation and processing in online education data analysis of large-scale open education institutions-the Open University of China. Four levels of architecture are designed, such as data source layer, data aggregation layer, data processing and learning analysis layer, application service layer. It solves the technical problems like the diversity of data sources, multi-sources, heterogeneous, and meets the data requirements of various different users. The platform is deployed on the cloud and applied to daily teaching and management. The application of platform promotes the continuous promotion of investment and learning in the Open University of China.

收稿日期: 2018-07-20
基金项目: 国家开放大学2018年度一般课题《面向在线教育的学习分析云平台的构建与应用》(G18F0023Y)

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