在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2018年5期《乡土环境背景下近代中国手工业探析——基于山西省平定县染坊业的个案研究》
李潇1, 李斐斐2
1. 安徽财经大学历史文化研究所, 安徽蚌埠 233000;
2. 北华大学东亚历史与文献研究中心, 吉林吉林 132013
起止页码: 13--18页

Analysis of Modern Chinese Handicraft Industry under the Background of Rural Environment——Based on a Case Study of the Dyeing Industry in Pingding County Shanxi Province
LI Xiao1, LI Fei-fei2
1. Research Center of History and Culture, Anhui Finance and Economics University, Bengbu, Anhui 233000;
2. Research Center of East Asian History and Literature, Beihua University, Jilin, Jilin 132013, China
In modern China, the local environment has a strong penetration into the development of handicraft industry in rural areas from commence to maturity. Under the rural environment, the reasons for the rise of the dyeing industry in Pingding County, Shanxi Province include three factors:the natural economic disintegration, the sharp contradiction between people and land, and the guidance of successful people. The production materials and staff allocation of the dyeing industry are closely related to the village. Looking at its development status, it reflects the characteristics of intertwining of tradition and the times, regional and expansive interlacing.In the context of the local environment, it affects the family structure and spiritual world of local villagers. Looking back at the history of the dyeing industry in Pingding County, its positive side still has strong practical significance.

收稿日期: 2018-07-31
基金项目: 安徽财经大学研究生科研创新基金项目《中日甲午战争前两国近代工业发展之比较》(ACYC2017103)
