在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2018年4期《明代重庆官学述评》
吴洪成, 蔡晓莉
河北大学教育学院, 河北保定 071000
起止页码: 87--96页

Review of Official Schools in Chongqing in the Ming Dynasty
WU Hong-cheng, CAI Xiao-li
College of Education, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071000, China
The development and gradual improvement of official schools is a prominent symbol of Chongqing's education undertaking in the Ming Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the number of official schools in Chongqing increased dramatically, the geographical distribution continued to expand, and the influence of education on society increased. From the aspects of educational purposes, school funding, student management, and education environment, the analysis of the status of school education in Chongqing during the Ming Dynasty and the development trajectory of the government education in the Ming Dynasty are confined to enriching the resources of local education history in the Ming Dynasty, and deepening the understanding of ancient educational culture in Chongqing. It has reference value for the development of contemporary Chongqing education.

收稿日期: 2018-05-14
