在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2018年4期《沧州地区抗战史研究:回顾与展望》
翟砚辉, 沈雪
北京交通大学海滨学院, 河北 沧州 061199
起止页码: 17--22页

Retrospect and Prospect of Research on the History of Anti-Japanese War in Cangzhou Area
ZHAI Yan-hui, SHEN Xue
Haibin College, Beijing Jiaotong University, Cangzhou, Hebei 061199, China
The progress of the studies on the history of Anti-Japanese War in Cangzhou area can be divided into three stages from the early Period of the P. R. China to the new century. It shows the characteristics of periodicity. The studies on the history of Anti-Japanese War in Cangzhou area achieved fruitful results. Historians collected a large amount of precious materials in regard to Japanese atrocities, resistance of the people, the study of the history of the CPC, the activities agains t Japanese aggression by the Hui Nationality, studies on people and regional history. They also published the special books and articles. In a word, more and more high level research results are being presented. The study of the history of AntiJapanese War in Cangzhou region cannot be stagnant. It can be further strengthened in several aspects such as "the definition of time, the collection of historical materials, the expansion of content, and the re-examination of new achievements".

收稿日期: 2018-06-10
基金项目: 团中央学校部立项课题《地方抗战特点与大中学生爱国主义主题教育设计研究——以河北沧州地区为例》(KT2017410226)
