在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2018年2期《开放大学在国家高等教育体系中的法律地位——基于法律角度对开放大学自主办学权利的探讨》
汪燕, 宋永寿
四川广播电视大学, 四川 成都 610073
起止页码: 23--27页
DOI: 10.13559/j.cnki.hbgd.2018.02.005

On the Legal Status of the Open University in the National Higher Education System——A Study on the Autonomous Rights of Open Universities from the Legal Perspective
WANG Yan, SONG Yong-shou
Sichuan Radio & TV University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610073, China
To clarify the legal status,rights and obligations of the open university in the national higher education system is an important condition for promoting the construction of the open university.The core issue of university's legal status is to have independent operation rights.According to the stipulations of the legal status of colleges and universities in China's education law and civil law,open universities should enjoy a complete self-directed schooling right.However,both in history and in practice,radio and TV universities and local open universities are restricted in their autonomy in running schools.This is inconsistent with the fact that the national higher education law has established a legally-established adult institution of higher learning with the qualifications of self-enrollment.In the actual educational legal relationship,the open university in China has a corporate identity(institution legal person),multiple legal subject qualifications(administrative subject,civil subject),and the special legal status of school-running behavior spanning multiple legal constraints(public law and private law).Therefore,its rights and obligations in the national education system should be considered from two perspectives:civil law and administrative law.

收稿日期: 2018-02-22
基金项目: 国家开放大学"十二五规划"2014-2015年重点委托课题《基于法学视角的国家和省级开放大学关系研究》(G14G3305W)
