在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2018年2期《民国初期的京师第二监狱(1913-1918)》
渤海大学 政治与历史学院, 辽宁 锦州 121013
起止页码: 9--14页
DOI: 10.13559/j.cnki.hbgd.2018.02.002

The Second Capital Prison in the Early Republic of China(1913—1918)
YUAN Wen-ke
Institute of Politics and History, Bohai University, Jinzhou, Liaoning 121013, China
In the early years of prison reform in the period of the Republic of China,the Second Capital Prison expanded its facilities in order to adapt to the trend of modern prison scale.In the internal organization of the prison,a complete system has been formed to make the setting of prison administration more hierarchical.In the meantime,the prison runs a variety of prisoner operations,making it an important source of funding.The prison has a set of corresponding management methods,of which the most complete is the prison prevention.In addition,the Second Capital Prison uses the method of reform through labor,supplemented by various teaching methods,such as religious teachings,to encourage prisoners to reform their lives.However,the prison's emphasis on prisoners' health and medical care reflects more the humanitarian sentiments of Chinese prisons during the modernization period.

收稿日期: 2018-01-28
