在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2017年6期《新媒体语境下大学生媒介素养教育探析》
冯月季, 张爱坤
燕山大学文法学院, 河北秦皇岛 066004
起止页码: 68--71页

An Analysis of College Students' Media Literacy Education in the Context of New Media
FENG Yue-ji, ZHANG Ai-kun
School of Literature and Law, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066004, China
The awareness and mechanism of media literacy is not generally incorporated in China's current university education,which makes college students lack of rational critical awareness when facing a lot of new media content.This is not conducive to train the citizen consciousness of college students from the perspective of social development.In this regard,we can learn from the practice of media literacy education in colleges and universities in developed countries and regions,establish media literacy education research institutes in schools,build media literacy education platforms,introduce media literacy education teachers and set up media literacy education curriculum.

收稿日期: 2017-09-15
基金项目: 燕山大学大学生媒介素养教改项目《传媒文化导论》

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