在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2017年6期《《个人独资企业法》五年期间法律性质评析——兼论第二十八条的立法完善》
马蒂, 谭睿娟
四川广播电视大学文法学院, 四川成都 610073
起止页码: 59--63页

Analysis of the Legal Nature of Sole Proprietorship Enterprise Law during Five Years——On the Improvement of the Legislation of Article 28
MA Di, TAN Rui-juan
Sichuan Radio & TV University, Chendu, Sichuan 610073, China
Based on the considerations of creditor's rights and security,after the dissolution of an individual-owned enterprise,the original investor should still assume the responsibility of repaying the debts of the original investor during its existence.The commercial laws of major countries such as Germany,France and Japan all have similar provisions.In order to balance the interests of creditors and the original investors,while confirming the original investor's liability for debt repayment,China's Sole Proprietorship Enterprise Law stipulates that if the creditor fails to submit a repaying request within five years,the liquidation liability shall be extinguished.Therefore,the five-year period is of great interest to the original investor and former creditor,and different understandings of the nature of the period may have different results in substantive law and procedural law.Although this period has some characteristics during the periods of exclusion and the expiry of rights,the comprehensive analysis of the legal effects of the object,the legal features of the applicable object,and the orientation of the value of the legislation expresses the more accurate elimination of the limitation of time.Meanwhile,Article 28 of the Sole Proprietorship Enterprise Law defines the original investor as the debtor,disregarding the personality independence of individualowned enterprises and investors and confounding the line between liability and debt,which is contrary to the law.Therefore,it is suggested to abolish the special provisions of "five years" with reference to the revised experience of the Partnership Enterprise Law so as to unify the common obliteration statutes of the joint and several liability for the unfinished business of the indemnified contributors in conformity with the similar situation legal principles of treatment.

收稿日期: 2017-10-19
