在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2017年6期《南运河航运与泊头社会经济的变迁》
侯林, 刘楠
淮安信息职业技术学院社政部, 江苏淮安 223003
起止页码: 5--9页

The South Canal Shipping and the Social and Economic Changes in Botou
HOU Lin, LIU Nan
Ideological and Political Department, Huai'an Vocational College of Information Technology, Huai'an, Jiangsu 223003, China
The social and economic changes in Botou are closely related to the rise and decline of the shipping of the South Canal.Before the Republic of China.Botou,relying on the convenient traffic conditions of the South Canal,rapidly became an important commercial town along the coast of the Grand Canal.During the period of the Republic of China,with the rise of the sea transport and the stopping of inland water shipping,Botou social economy suffered greatly.But the South Canal shipping was still one of the main means of Botou foreign goods transportation.At the beginning of the liberation of Botou,the South Canal shipping was still the main transportation mode of Botou's industrial and agricultural products.But with the restoration of Jinpu Railway and the no-flow of the South Canal,railway transportation has become a new engine of social and economic development in Botou.

收稿日期: 2017-09-16
基金项目: 江苏省哲社基金项目重点课题《大数据背景下的淮安地域文化传承与发展研究》(2015ZDIXM033)
