在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2017年1期《清代直隶地方行政建置的变迁及其特点》
河北省社会科学院历史研究所, 河北石家庄 050051
起止页码: 93--98页

The Changes and Characteristics of Local Administration Establishment in Zhili Province during the Qing Dynasty
LIU Hong-sheng
Institute of History, Hebei Academy of Social Sciences, Shijiahzhuang, Hebei 050051, China
The establishment of the local administrative system of Zhili Province changed greatly in the Qing Dynasty.Since the administration of Kang Xi,along with the exploitation of northern areas of the Great Wall and the development of the south of the Great Wall,the establishment of local administrative system of Zhili was gradually improved and the territory expanded.It became one of the biggest provinces in the country,with territory including most part of Hebei Province,Beijing,Tianjin,and part of Inner Mongolia,Liaoning,Henan and Shandong Proince,which provided a solid foundation of Hebei administrative system today.The characteristics of the establishment of Zhili administrative system are as follows:the first is the establishment of administrative organization in residential areas with different minorities including Man,Meng,and Han;the second is the military administrative system changing into a civil one;the third is that the change of northern areas was greater than that of the south.

收稿日期: 2016-12-07
