在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2016年6期《中国开放大学国际合作中的难点分析》
国家开放大学教育研究院, 北京 100039
起止页码: 14--19页

Analysis of Difficulties in the International Collaborations for Chinese Open Universities
HoU Song-yan
Institute for Education Research, the Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
Since 1 9 80s,higher education has come tO the stage of internationalization worldwide.After more than 30 years' development,the internationalization of higher education in China has grown rapidly.The open university,as one of the multiple modes of higher education,has also tried various attempts to develop its international collaborations.However,its internationalization has not achieved substantial pro-greSS.The reason is that open universities have encountered many difficulties and the bottleneck is hard to break through,which makes it difficult to carry out an international exchange and cooperation in depth with a sustainable state.The open universities are facing unprecedented opportunities under the "Belt & Road" background,which is also a good chance to solve the problems.Open universities should analyze these difficulties and resolve them SO as to gain more opportunities for international exchanges and coopera-tion in depth and have more voice in the international arena.

收稿日期: 2016-10-19

[9]Intemational Council for Open and Distance Education[EB/OL].www.icde.org.
[10]Asian Association of Open universities[EB/OL],http://aaou.ouhk.edu.hk/.
[13]Open University UK[EB/OL].www.open.ac.uk.
[20]Annual Report2014-2015[EB/OL].http://www.open.ae.uk/about/main/site5/www.open.ac.uk.about.main/f1es/files/Annual%20Report%202014%2015.pdf.