在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2016年5期《现实与理想之间的彷徨——1920年代高长虹思想特点小考》
北京大学 中文系, 北京 100871
起止页码: 1--6页

The Hesitation between Ideal and Reality: The Characteristics of Gao Changhong's Thoughts in the 1920s
ZHENG Xuerui
Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
When it comes to Chinese society in the 1920s, the emergence of the new youth and literary societies is one of the noteworthy phenomena. The literary youth Gao Changhong from shanxi has advanced literary ideas and great hope for new literature. He tries to reform Chinese society with literature as the main tool to solve all kinds of life problems. Therefore, he went to Taiyuan, Beijing and Shanghai for Sturm and Drang Movement from 1924 to 1929. His literary proposition and Sturm and Drany Movement left a deep imprinting in the history of modern Chinese literature. Due to various internal and external reasons, his Sturm and Drang Movement finally can not be successful. However, one can not deny his enthusiasm for new literature and care for the Chinese society. In fact, Gao Changhong's literary proposition and the failure of the Sturm and Drang Movement explain the problems he faced in the ideological revolutionary movement, which also reflects the dilemma that many young people felt between ideal and reality.

收稿日期: 2016-08-10
