在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2016年1期《古希腊科学奇迹动力机制探讨与借鉴》
中共中央党校 研究生院, 北京 100091
起止页码: 91--94页
DOI: 10.13559/j.cnki.hbgd.2016.01.022

Research on Dynamic Mechanism of Ancient Greek Scientific Miracles and Reference
HAN Zhenqiu
Graduate School, Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, Beijing 100091, China
The ancient Greek made remarkable achievements in natural and humanistic philosophy,mathematics,astronomy and other fields,leading the world in scientific coquettishness.Ancient Greek created wonders of science and has become the main source of modern scientific thought,which is a result of the unique natural environment,good at learning and absorbing,the pursuit of knowledge and respect for the rationality and superiority of the political and economic environment hydrodynamic condition and foundation,the source and the safeguard mechanism functioning together.Scientific development in our country can learn and carry forward the spirit of ancient Greek science as reference in four aspects:actively cultivate inquisitive learning spirit and trace its original scientific thinking;encourage academic freedom and promote the development of science and rational;innovate conditions for the prosperity of science and culture;promote the development of an innovation oriented country.

收稿日期: 2015-12-10
基金项目: 北京社会管理职业学院2015-2016年度院级科研项目《"新常态"下慈善组织监管体系构建研究》(SGYYB2015-10)
