在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2016年1期《读《中华民国专题史第九卷城市化进程研究》——兼及近代华北区域城市史研究的若干趋向》
天津社会科学院历史研究所, 天津 300191
起止页码: 9--12页

Review on Thematic History of Republicn以China v01.9:A Study on the Urbanization Process and Several Trends of the North China Regional Urban History Studies
XIONG Yaping
Institute of History, Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, Tianjin 300191, China
Thematic History of Republican China v01.9:A Study Oil the Urbanization Process is a recently published monograph which studies Republican China's urbanization process with special focus on the urban development of the North China region.It on the one hand reveals several latest outstanding ad-vances in the study of North China urban history,such as the former ignored studies on small and mediumsized cities and small towns becoming much more fruitful。studies on transport hub cities and towns espe-cially those along the railways suddenly coming to the fore,urban space and social lire studies increasingly expanding,studies on the changes of city status attracting more attention;on the other hand,it also re-fleets some problems still existing in this research area,for example the need of strengthening the theoreti-cal foundations and research methods,further illustration of the cities and towns's ystem,studies of cities and towns during the Anti-Japanese War deserving more attention,the need of expanding the social history studies of small towns,and SO on.But overall,the book still has great reference value for the future urban history studies on the North China region.

收稿日期: 2015-11-30
基金项目: 2013年度国家社科基金重点项目《近代以来华北区域城镇化进程研究(1860--2000年)》(13AZS018)
