在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2015年1期《黄淮海平原盐碱地治理与农业生态环境变迁——以河北省黑龙港及运东地区为例》
河北省社会科学院历史研究所, 河北石家庄 050051
起止页码: 87--92页

The Control of Saline-alkali Field in Huanghuai River Plain and the Transition of Agro-ecological Environment——The Case of Heilonggang and the Far East of Yunhe River in Hebei Province
LIU Hongsheng
Institute of History, H ebei Academy of Social Sciences, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050051, China
Since the founding of New China,the large-scale activities in controlling saline-alkali field in Heilonggang and the East of Yunhe River has taken place,which brought profound changes to the area based on the investigation and analysis on the formation and development rule.The area becomes a main base to produce grain and cotton,and the major area for agricultural product after experiencing lower productivity to higher productivity,from receiving state-purchased grain to offering grain for the country.The successful experience facilitates the comprehensive control of saline-alkali in Huanghuai River Plain and contributes to the grain redistribution between the south and the north in China and to the solution for the problem of grain shortage.It also provides a good example for the world to control natural disasters and saline-alkali problem.

收稿日期: 2014-12-31
