在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2015年4期《滹沱河治理背后的利益纠纷——以河北滹沱河水利工程计划(1917-1931)为例》
河北师范大学历史文化学院, 河北石家庄 050024
起止页码: 12--15页

The Interest Dispute behind the Governance of the Hutuo River——The Case of Hydraulic Plan (1917-1931) of the Hutuo River in Hebei
SI Yangna
History and Culture Institute, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050024, China
The Hutuo River is regarded as the mother river of Shijiazhuang,which is an important riv-er in the north of our country.In the long past it had many tributaries,carried large amount of sand and frequently overflowed their banks.Governance of the river in all dynasties through history had resulted in frequently changes of the river route.In the process of governance it constantly reflected not only the in-terests of all parties in the game,but also the further hydrological environment deterioration of the Hutuo River,which made the hydrographic conditions deteriorate further.With the upgrading difficulty,people had to rethink the governance issues of the Hutuo River and introduce new technology concepts.With the newspapers in the Republic Period and the local history-related materials,the study finds that the govern-ance of the river was restricted by the nature,the society and technology.

收稿日期: 2015-06-08
