在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2011年1期《李鸿章与轮船招商局》
北京师范大学 历史学院, 北京 100875
起止页码: 1--6页

Li Hongzhang and the Merchants Steam Navigation Company
WANG Kaixi
History College, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
The Merchants Steam Navigation Company founded by the Westernization Group was the first civ ilian enterprise monitored by the government and privately invested.In the course of its founding and opera tions,Li Hong zhang,the Zhili Governor,had not only actively promoted and given financial support,petitioned operating privileges and maintained the power to protect in diplom atic policies,but also had great influence on its business model.Li Hongzhang prescribed that the merchants are responsible for all the profits and losses,no business with the official,and the official was basically not involved in the implementation and gave less inter ference.Although after 1880,Li had repeatedly stressed the need to streng then supervision and control of the Merchants Steam Navigation Company,the Qing governments exploitation and oppression of the Company was serious.But generally speaking,Li played an important role in the founding and the establishment of its business model,whose credits wereg reater than blame.

收稿日期: 2011-01-14

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