在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2014年6期《陆机文的特质》
韩国外国语大学 中文学院, 韩国 首尔 130-791
起止页码: 53--57页

The Features of Lu Ji's Essays
LIU Chunrui
College of Chinese, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
The inner contradiction between Lu Ji's character of "incapable of making ajudgment on the validity of affairs" and his strong desire for success,which prevented himself from great social achievements,did not weaken the expressiveness of his essays after he moved to Luoyang.And it in turn constituted as one important feature of his essays.Those essays were often created with the themes of chanting old things and recollecting past memories.Lu Ji pursued the spirit of Confucianism of Han dynasty.When observing things and enjoying the scenery,feeling the times and interacting with the outside,he put the spirit first and reacted in a stereotyped manner.Consequently,his own personality became obscure.In Lu Ji's works,he did not express his feelings and ambitions openly,which is greatly different from the prevailing literature groups that highly regarded rhetoric and wisdom in Wei-Jin period.Lu Ji's writing practice served as an important link in the transition from Confucian classics into new writing styles after Lu's time.He connected Cai Yong and Wang Can with Du Fu and Huang Tingjian.He made useful exploration in the sense of the structure of the text,presentation and diction law and other aspects of the text.

收稿日期: 2014-10-24
