在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2014年6期《1911年保定城市鼠疫防治研究》
张静, 李慧慧
河北省社会科学院 历史研究所, 河北 石家庄 050051
起止页码: 15--21页
DOI: 10.13559/j.cnki.hbgd.2014.06.003
关键词: 保定 城市 鼠疫 防疫

Research of Plague Prevention and Treatment in Baoding City in 1911
ZHANG Jing, LI Huihui
Institute of History, Hebei Academy of Social Sciences
Massive plague broke out in the Northeast in 1910.The epidemic quickly spread over the Northeast to Zhili,Shandong and other places in a short time.The provincial capital of Baoding became a center for Plague prevention.Facing the grim situation,the local government of Baoding established medical and epidemic prevention institutions,mobilizing the police,doctors and other forces joining in the city epidemic prevention,and using newspapers and other media to the popularization and education of prevention knowledge to the public.The epidemic prevention measures were showing a modern epidemic prevention.Revealing the plague prevention and the construction of the modern medical mechanism through the prevention and control of the plague in Baoding helps us to understand the health and epidemic prevention system in the establishment of the modern city.Through disease prevention and control to the perspective of social mobilization and social control of the government will help us better understand the society of Baoding at that time.

收稿日期: 2014-10-14
基金项目: 2014年度河北省社会科学院研究课题《1911年保定城市鼠疫防治研究》(2014B04)
