在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2014年5期《关于开放大学的若干思考》
河北广播电视大学, 河北石家庄 050071
起止页码: 1--4页

Several Thoughts on the Open University
LIU Xiaoping
Hebei Radio & TV University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050071, China
The construction of the open university is an important part of higher education populariza-tion,which is an important manifestation of actively promoting the construction of lifelong education sys-tem.In order to accelerate the pace of building the open university,the system must correctly understand that the RTVU(radio and TV university)itself is the open university and the latter is an upgraded version of the former,that the morphological presentation of the open university has phased characteristics,that the recognizing standards of the open university should be the unification of the three elements:the concept,the means and functions,that the open university is not RTVU'S own patent,and that RTVU'S construction of the open university should go to the road of differential development,thereby enhancing the confidence in the construction of the open university,accelerating the transformation and upgrading of RTVU system,promoting the development of building the learning society.As for the development strat-egies,RTVU should actively promote lifelong education legislation。raising the banner of the open univer-sity and occupying the site of lifelong education;conducting thorough reform of the system and renewing the system advantages;creating an all-in-one information service platform with the integration of hard-ware,software,education programs,learning resources,faculty and operating mechanism.

收稿日期: 2014-06-20
