在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2014年4期《图片中的历史:武强年画的民俗特性与人文精神》
河北科技大学文法学院, 河北石家庄 050018
起止页码: 16--19页
关键词: 武强 年画 文化 社会

The Picture of History: Folk Characteristics and Humanistic Spirit of Wuqiang New Year Paintings
LIU Jianmin
School of Literature and Law, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050018, China
Culture makes a nation maintain its uniqueness and its members maintain special customs,aesthetic taste and emotional thinking.Its great cohesion tends to play a decisive role in social development.Culture means the abstract symbols and also exerts its influence through the physical carrier.Wuqiang New Year paintings contain the most natural thoughts and feelings of the people and cultural reaction to the nature,community life and social development,with its unique cultural connotation reflecting the changes in Hebei area from traditional to modern.Wuqiang New Year paintings,as a folk art treasure,have a long history and are renowned both at home and abroad.From the literature of archives,Wuqiang New Year paintings exhibit distinct social and historical development of the cultural symbols:a traditional agricultural society to reflect the atmosphere of folk culture,showing the strength of character of the local Hebei culture,documenting the historical culture of social progress.This cultural symbol is concentrated in every Wuqiang New Year painting,showing the historical development path via the special way of picture,revealing the multiple faces of the social changes and the ideological and cultural inheritance.

收稿日期: 2014-06-16
基金项目: 国家社科基金重大项目《中国梦理论与实践研究》(1&ZD005)
