在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2014年3期《清代至民国以来北京脱胎漆艺的技术民俗考察》
北京师范大学 民俗典籍文字研究中心, 北京 100875
起止页码: 15--21页
DOI: 10.13559/j.cnki.hbgd.2014.03.003

A Case Study through Fieldwork on Beijing Bodiless Lacquerware from the Perspective of Technique Folkloristics
WANG Wenchao
Center for Folklore, Ancient Writing and Chinese Characters, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
As many traditional handicrafts have been enlisted in the intangible cultural heritage reserve,the craftsmen's industry knowledge also deserves attention.Beijing bodiless lacquerware,as a form of industry knowledge,is an exemplary case.The technique was first recorded in the archives in Qing Court Manufacturing Section with other lacquerware.Later it was transmitted to Beijing's folk painting workshops in the Republic Period,this particular knowledge enriched craftsmen's professional life as well as a supplement to their income.The study of traditional handicraft from the perspectives of professional knowledge and folk culture will hopefully bring some insights to the protection of intangible cultural heritage and the construction of folk custom culture.

收稿日期: 2014-03-26
基金项目: 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目《清代民俗文献史及其数字化管理》(01JAZJD840002)
