在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2014年2期《加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学教学改革的新进展》
陈娜, 杨永博
国家开放大学对外合作与交流处, 北京 100039
起止页码: 21--29页

New Development on Educational Reform of Athabasca University
CHEN Na, YANG Yongbo
International Cooperation & Exchange Department, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
Athabasca University(AU)is Canada'S most prestigious open and distance education uni versity.In recent years,it has carried out the following effective reforms:converting from traditional dis tance education to online courses and services;pushing forward the mobile library proj ect;developing and using open educational resources(OER);evaluating learning management systems(LMS)and making the transition to a single LMS;reducing information and communication technology(ICT)related carbon emissions and moving AU closer to a low carbon distance education university.These reforms have contrib uted greatly to the high level development of AU'S open and distance education.

收稿日期: 2014-02-28

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