王光宇1, 刘晴2
1. 天津财经大学 马克思主义学院, 天津 300222;
2. 天津财经大学 人文学院, 天津 300222
起止页码: 73--77页
Exploration of Creative Rules in Micro Film Practical Teaching in Ideological and Political Course in Universities
WANG Guangyu1, LIU Qing2
1. School of Marxism, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin 300222;
2. School of Humanities, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, Tianjin 300222, China
With the widespread arrival of the micro media era, micro film practical teaching has increasingly become an important component of ideological and political course practical teaching in universities. Creation is a core component of micro film practical teaching in ideological and political course. In the process of micro film practical teaching in ideological and political course in universities, it is necessary to continuously deepen the understanding of its creative rules, clarify “what story to tell” from the perspective of theme selection and content design, and clarify “how to tell a story” from the perspective of technique use and package process. High quality creative strategies should be used to guide the development of practical teaching and comprehensively improve its educational level.
收稿日期: 2024-8-6
基金项目: 2023年度教育部高校思政课教师研究专项课题“高校思政课微电影‘九步三循环’实践教学模式创新研究”(23JDSZK008)