重庆外语外事学院, 重庆 401120
起止页码: 66--69页
Access and Management Path of Enterprise Private Domain Traffic in Digital Economy Era
XIE Jing
Chongqing University of Foreign Languages and Foreign Affairs, Chongqing 401120, China
In the digital economy era, acquiring and managing enterprise private domain traffic has become crucial for enhancing brand value and competitiveness. Private domain traffic not only enhances enterprises’ data capabilities but also features sustainable acquisition and personalized management, which is essential for enterprises. By adopting a data-driven approach, enterprises can more effectively attract and retain target customers, manage user experience, refine operations and promote brand value building. The implementation logic for acquiring private domain traffic should be based on data-driven strategies that focus on user experience, refined operations and brand interaction. To achieve the acquisition and management of private domain traffic, enterprises utilize deep integration of multi-channel drainage to drive growth through user participation in operations while retaining traffic with innovative personalized content. Data analysis is used for optimization to maximize utilization and optimization of private domain traffic.
收稿日期: 2024-5-20
基金项目: 2022年度重庆市教委科学技术研究计划项目“新商科理念下数字化赋能成渝经济圈发展路径研究”(KJQN202202303)