在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年6期《线上线下融合式老年教育课程建设研究与实践——以“智慧助老乐享生活”智能手机课程为例》
田丽娜, 张宏文
张家口开放大学, 河北 张家口 075000
起止页码: 57--61页

Research and Practice on the Development of Integrated Online and Offline Elderly Education Courses ——A Case Study of the “Smart Aging, Enjoying Life” Smartphone Course
TIAN Lina, ZHANG Hongwen
Zhangjiakou Open University, Zhangjiakou, Hebei 075000, China
In an era of rapid development in mobile Internet technology, favorable government policies for elderly education have been continuously released. The integration of online and offline modes in elderly education has become an inevitable trend. With the increasing Internet penetration rate among the elderly population, online courses for elderly education have flourished. Simultaneously, traditional offline courses have become ingrained in the learning habits of older adults. Therefore, exploring a new model of elderly education which combines entity-based classes with online teaching, online autonomous learning with offline experiential learning will be gradually improved with the development of the elderly education in the open university. Enhancing the importance of education for the elderly and promoting the rapid development of education for the elderly in the open university for the elderly will help the elderly to better integrate into society, enhance their sense of social participation and improve their sense of happiness.

收稿日期: 2024-7-10
基金项目: 河北开放大学2023年度一般课题“后疫情时代老年开放大学线上线下相融合教学设计与实践”(YB202323);中国成人教育协会“十四五”成人继续教育科研规划一般课题“新智媒时代背景下老年教育OMO模式场景搭建”(2023-203Y)
