在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年6期《软件语音辅助教学缓解老年口语焦虑应用研究——以英语趣配音软件为例》
北京开放大学 朝阳分校, 北京 100013
起止页码: 52--56页

On the APP Assisted Pronunciation Teaching to Lessen Oral Anxiety of Elderly Learners——Taking English Fun Dubbing App as an Example
Chaoyang Branch, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100013, China
In the process of English learning for the elderly students, oral anxiety is one of the main emotional factors that hinder the improvement of oral English expression ability. Among them, phonetic ability is directly related to students’ oral anxiety. Therefore, a study on pronunciation teaching based on a dubbing app was conducted for about 12 weeks and the results indicate that using English Fun Dubbing APP can not only provide rich learning materials for elderly students, but also alleviate students’ oral anxiety, so that students can practice imitation anytime and anywhere in a relaxed environment, reduce their anxiety, enhance their confidence and improve the teaching effect.

收稿日期: 2024-2-2
基金项目: 中国成人教育协会“十四五”成人继续教育科研规划2021年度课题“老年学员英语口语焦虑影响因素及教学策略实践研究”(2021-393Y)

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