在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年6期《河北干部网络培训“1+N”模式探索与实践研究》
姜心怡, 李文娟
河北开放大学, 河北 石家庄 050080
起止页码: 48--51页

Exploration and Practice Research on the “1+N” Model of Online Cadre Education in Hebei Province
JIANG Xinyi, LI Wenjuan
Hebei Open University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080, China
With the rapid development of the economy and society, information technology has undergone rapid updates and iterations, and online training for cadres has entered the 2.0 advanced stage of high-quality development after achieving the initial stage of “quantity-based victory”. The Hebei Cadres Online Academy is the largest official online training platform for cadres in Hebei Province. By exploring the “1+N” cadre online training model with distinctive features of Hebei Province, it can effectively enhance the quality and efficiency of training, making a useful exploration for promoting the digitalization level of cadre online training in Hebei Province and the high-quality development of cadre online training in Hebei Province, and contributing to the cause of writing the chapter of China-style modernization construction in Hebei Province.

收稿日期: 2024-7-23
基金项目: 2023年度河北省社会科学发展研究课题(青年课题)“河北干部网络学院平台学习行为及质量提升策略研究”(20230304053)

[1]新华网.习近平:第五批全国干部培训教材序言[EB/OL].(2019-02-28)[2024-06-07] .http://www.xinhuanet.com/politics/leaders/2019-02/28/c_1124176661.htm.