在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《新时代高校资助育人工作的路径探析》
桂林理工大学 马克思主义学院,广西 桂林 541006
起止页码: 106--108页
进入新时代,党和国家对高校资助育人工作赋予了新使命、提出了新要求,做好该项工作是高校 从根源上落实好“立德树人”的本质要求,是高校思政工作提质增效的重要渠道,也是高校培养学生实现成长 成才的重要举措。当前,高校资助育人工作存在理念不够开拓创新,认定方式不够精准、管理机制不够健全等 实践问题。对此,在资助育人工作的理念、方法、管理等方面提出探索解决的路径,以此提升高校资助育人工 作的时代成效。

Analysis on the Path of University Funding Education in the New Era
LIN Yongbing
College of Marxism,Guilin University of Technology,Guilin,Guangxi 541006,China
In the new era,the Party and the State have given new missions and put forward new requirements to the work of subsidizing and educating people in colleges and universities.Doing this work well is the essential requirement for colleges and universities to implement "establishing morality and cultivating talents"from the root,an important channel for improving the quality and efficiency of ideological and political work in colleges and universities,and an important measure for colleges and universities to train students to grow into talents.At present,there are some practical problems in the work of subsidizing and educating people in colleges and universities,such as the lack of innovative ideas,inaccurate identification methods and imperfect management mechanism.In this regard,the study puts forward some ways to explore and solve the problem in the aspects of the concept,method and management of subsidizing educational work,so as to enhance the effec- tiveness of subsidizing educational work in colleges and universities.

收稿日期: 2023-12-20
基金项目: 广西教育科学“十四五”规划2023年度学生资助专项课题“广西高校数智化精准资助平台构建研究”(2023 ZJY 1206)
