在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《新时代青年奋斗精神培育研究》
吉林大学 马克思主义学院,吉林 长春 130012
起止页码: 102--105页
青年是新时代的创造者和生力军,青年奋斗精神的培养是塑造时代新人的重要内容。青年奋斗 精神植根于马克思主义理论实践观和中华优秀传统文化,延续于百年来中国青年的奋斗历程之中。新时代的 青年奋斗精神呈现出新样态,要克服“消费主义”“利己主义"“躺平主义""享乐主义”等消极社会思潮,必须以 理想信念教育坚定青年奋斗方向、以先进典型示范培育青年奋斗自觉、以青年自我锻炼增强奋斗本领、以青 年奋斗精神助力青年成长成才。

Research on Cultivating the Spirit of Struggle among Youth in the New Era
FANG Youyang
School of Marxism,Jilin University,Changchun,Jilin 130012,China
Youth are the creators and new forces of the new era,and the cultivation of their spirit of struggle is an im- portant part of shaping new people in the era.The spirit of youth struggle is rooted in the Marxist theory and practice and the excellent traditional Chinese culture,and continues in the struggle of Chinese youth over the past century.The spirit of youth struggle in the new era presents a new form.To overcome negative social trends such as consumerism,self-interest,laissez faire mentality,and hedonism that affect the cultivation and development of youth struggle spirit.It is necessary to educate and strengthen the direction of youth struggle with ideals and beliefs,cultivate youth consciousness of struggle with advanced models,enhance their ability to struggle through self training,and help them grow and become successful with the spirit of youth struggle.

收稿日期: 2023-12-21
