在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《传统文化融入农村基层治理的结构性功能分析》
中共河北省委党校,河北 石家庄 050031
起止页码: 94--97页
乡村振兴战略的实施意味着农村基层社会治理必须要发生适应性转型与改变。在社会学上,社 会治理模式的转型与改变是个系统互动的过程。传统文化作为农村基层治理的重要内涵,其结构性功能则推 动着农村基层社会治理的转型改变进程。以传统文化结构性功能发挥的角度分析农村经济、政治、可持续发 展,有利于系统论证传统文化融入农村基层社会治理的结构性功能发挥及其对农村基层社会治理转型产生 的积极性推动作用。

Structural Function Analysis of Traditional Culture Integrating into Rural Grass-roots Governance
HAN Qiaoyan,GUO Yanmei
Party School of Hebei Provincial Committee of CPC,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050031,China
The implementation of rural revitalization strategy means that the rural grass-roots social governance must undergo adaptive transformation and change.In sociology,the transformation and change of social governance model is a process of system interaction.As an important connotation of rural grassroots governance,traditional culture's structural function promotes the transformation and change process of rural grassroots social governance.Analyzing the rural econom- ic,political and sustainable development from the perspective of the structural function of traditional culture is conducive to systematically demonstrating the structural function of the integration of traditional culture into rural grassroots social gover- nance and its positive role in promoting rural grassroots social governance transition.

收稿日期: 2024-1-8
基金项目: 2020年度中共河北省委党校(河北行政学院)创新工程科研项目“强化农村基层治理科技支撑体系路径研究”
