在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《高质量发展视野下文化产业人才培养策略研究》
1. 北京开放大学人文与教育学院,北京 100081;2.中国传媒大学协同创新中心,北京 100024
起止页码: 86--94页
我国文化产业进入高质量发展阶段,文化产业人才的胜任力也随之变化,推动了文化产业人才 培养的创新。在“胜任力冰山模型”的理论视野中,我国文化产业人才胜任力构成要素的变化体现在显性因素 和隐性因素两个层面。显性因素的变化体现在由我国经济科技的发展而引发的文化产业人才的知识和技能 的改变;隐性因素的变化体现在由中华民族伟大复兴所引发的文化产业人才的社会角色和动机的改变以及 由传统农业文明的文化模式向现代工业文明的文化模式的过渡所引发的文化产业人才的自我认知和特质的 改变。这些变化带来的启示表现在高质量发展阶段文化产业人才的培养应形成“推进真善美的和谐统一”的 培养目标、“激发出人才的自我教育动机”的培养动力和“构建多元联动机制”的培养策略。

Research on Talent Cultivation Strategies in the Cultural Industry from the Perspective of High-quality Development
ZHAO Chaofeng',QI Yongfeng
1.School of Humanities and Education,Beijing Open University,Beijing 100081;2.Collaborative Innovation Center,Communication University of China, Beijing 100024,China
China's cultural industry has entered a stage of high-quality development.The competence of cultural indus- try talents has also changed,which has promoted the innovation of cultural industry talents training.In the theoretical per- spective of the“Competency Iceberg Model”,the changes in the constituent elements of the competence of cultural industry talents in China are reflected in two levels:explicit factors and implicit factors.The changes in explicit factors are reflected in the changes in knowledge and skills of cultural industry talents triggered by the development of China's economy and tech- nology;The changes in implicit factors are reflected in the social roles and motivations of cultural industry talents triggered by the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,as well as the self-awareness and qualitative changes of cultural industry tal- ents triggered by the transition from the cultural model of traditional agricultural civilization to the cultural model of modern industrial civilization.The inspiration brought by these changes is reflected in the cultivation of cultural industry talents in the stage of high-quality development,which should form the cultivation goal of "promoting the harmonious unity of truth, goodness,and beauty",the cultivation motivation of “stimulating talents'self-education motivation",and the cultivation strategy of "building a diversified linkage mechanism".

收稿日期: 2024-1-4
基金项目: 国家文化和旅游部乡村公共文化服务研究院课题“乡村文化与旅游融合发展中的动力机制研究——以‘乡村村晚’与‘乡村网红’培育 计划为例”(XCGGWH2022004);北京市成人教育学会重点课题“基于‘胜任力模型’的北京市文创人才培养模式研究”(CRZ 2204)
