在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《网络思想政治教育在高校意识形态中的应用》
张至舟1,彭佩敏 2
1.华南师范大学马克思主义学院,广东 广州 510660;2.江西财经大学马克思主义学院,江西 南昌 330013
起止页码: 82--85页
随着社会经济的发展和网络信息技术的增强,从网络时代意识形态语境下出发探究高校大学生 思想政治教育面临的挑战和发展途径,已成为高校思想政治教育工作的重要任务。网络时代不良舆论冲击主 流意识形态,不利于思想政治教育工作;思想政治教育话语体系未与时俱进,思想政治理论课教育影响受限。 因此,在理念上,要坚持主流意识形态方向,加强意识形态工作主导权;在内容上,创新教育方式,形成高校、 家庭、社会多方有效合力;在方法上,要完善网络监管机制,加强网络阵地建设。

On the Application of Network Ideological and Political education in College Ideology
ZHANG Zhizhou¹,PENG Peimin²
1.School of Marxism,South China Normal University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510660;2.School of Marxism,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang,Jiangxi 330013,China
With the development of social economy and the enhancement of network information technology,it has be- come an important task of ideological and political education in colleges and universities to explore the challenges and devel- opment ways of ideological and political education for college students from the ideological context in the network era.Bad public opinion impacts mainstream ideology in the network era,which is not conducive to ideological and political education; The discourse system of ideological and political education has not kept pace with the times,and the influence of ideological and political theory course education is limited.Therefore,in concept,we should adhere to the mainstream ideology direction and strengthen the dominance of ideological work.In content,we should innovate the education mode to form the effective joint force of universities,families and society.In terms of method,we should improve the network supervision mechanism and strengthen the construction of network positions.

收稿日期: 2023-12-20
基金项目: 2023年江西省青年马克思主义者理论研究创新工程资助项目“数字时代人民精神生活共同富裕的实现方式研究”(23 ZXQM16)
