在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《论高职学生就业的数智赋能》
赵 越,韩欣棉
河北资源环境职业技术学院,河北 石家庄 050081
起止页码: 74--78页
数字化、智能化对高职院校学生就业具有较强的赋能作用,数智科技发展带来了新的就业机会, 引发了高职学生就业方式的变革,通过优化招聘流程提升了就业公平。但是该进程也存在两个问题:缺乏支 撑数智赋能高职学生就业的理论创新和教学创新;数智赋能的配套制度体系不完善,尚未建立数字经济背景 下职业教育的质量标准,也缺少高质量数字化学习评价指标体系。要推动高职学生就业的数智赋能, 一是构 建支撑数智社会发展的高职教育理念,二是完善高职学生就业数智赋能的制度体系,明确数字经济背景下职 业教育的质量标准。

On the Digital Intelligence Empowerment of the Employment of Students in Higher Vocational Colleges
ZHAO Yue,HAN Xinmian
Hebei Vocational and Technical College of Resources and Environment,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050081,China
Digitalization and intelligence have a strong empowering effect on the employment of students in higher vo- cational colleges.The development of digital intelligence technology has brought new employment opportunities,triggered a change in the employment mode of higher vocational students,and improved employment fairness by optimizing the recruit- ment process.However,there are two problems in this process:lack of theoretical innovation and teaching innovation to sup- port the employment of higher vocational students with numerical intelligence;the supporting system of digital intelligence empowerment is not perfect,the quality standards of vocational education under the background of digital economy have not been established,and the evaluation index system of high-quality digital learning is also lacking.In order to promote the digital intelligence ability of vocational students in employment,one is to build a higher vocational education concept that supports the development of a digital intelligence society,and the other is to improve the system of digital intelligence em- powerment of vocational college students'employment,and to clarify the quality standards of vocational education under the background of digital economy.

收稿日期: 2023-11-23
基金项目: 河北省人力资源和社会保障研究课题“数字经济对我省高职学生就业的影响及对策研究”(JRS-2023-1071)
