在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《新媒体下党史教育融入高校思想政治课的实践》
桂林电子科技大学 北海校区,广西 北海 536000
起止页码: 70--73页
在媒体时代奔涌的潮流中,新媒体成为高校贯彻落实立德树人根本任务的全新平台,将新媒体 与党史教育融合从而提升大学生思想政治教育实效,助推传统思想政治理论课程建设与改革,既满足了新时 代大学生对党史知识的需求,也切实丰富了教学内容、创新了教学方法、强化了实践教学、提升了师资力量, 将成为教育领域中的一个新突破。

Practice of Integrating Party History Education into Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities under the New Media
LIN Peijing
Beihai Campus of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology,Beihai,Guangxi 536000,China
In the surging trend of the media era,new media has become a new platform for universities to implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and talents.By integrating new media with the Party history education,the effective- ness of ideological and political education for college students can be improved,and the construction and reform of tradition- al ideological and political theory courses can be promoted.This not only meets the needs of college students in the new era for the Party history knowledge,but also enriches teaching content,innovates teaching methods,strengthens practical teach- ing,and enhances teaching staff,which will become a new breakthrough in the field of education.

收稿日期: 2023-11-9
基金项目: 广西壮族自治区教育厅2021年广西高校大学生思想政治教育理论与实践研究课题“依托融媒体技术传播党史教育提升大学生思想 政治实效性”(2021 SZ 006)
