在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《课程思政元素与高校物流专业建设的融合研究 ——以河北经贸大学一流本科专业建设为例》
课程思政元素与高校物流专业建设的融合研究 ——以河北经贸大学一流本科专业建设为例
陈 亮
河北经贸大学 管理科学与工程学院,河北 石家庄 050061
起止页码: 62--65页
省属骨干高校的专业建设,要转变传统的职业能力培养模式,使专业能力与“思政元素”有机结 合起来,达到润物细无声的人才培养效果。河北经贸大学物流管理专业在国家级一流本科专业建设过程中, 将课程思政元素融入职业能力培养,通过加强对学生的思想道德教育,有效培养学生的思维能力、创新能力 和实践能力。这既是物流专业建设改革和人才培养手段的理论探索,也是思政教育改革创新的实践探索,更 是解决物流行业新发展下人才发展的必经之路,对高校、思政、行业、学生都有着积极意义。

On the Integration of Curriculum Ideological and Political Elements with the Construction of Logistics Majors in Universities ——Taking the Construction of First Class Undergraduate Majors at Hebei University of Economics and Trade as an Example
CHEN Liang
School of Management Science and Engineering,Hebei University of Economics and Business,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050061,China
The professional construction of provincial backbone universities should transform the traditional mode of vocational ability training,organically combine professional abilities with"ideological and political elements",and achieve the natural effect of cultivating talents.In the process of constructing a national first-class undergraduate major,the Logistics Management major of Hebei University of Economics and Trade integrates ideological and political elements into vocational ability cultivation.By strengthening ideological and moral education for students,it effectively cultivates their thinking abil- ity,innovation ability,and practical ability.This is not only a theoretical exploration of the reform of logistics professional construction and talent cultivation methods,but also a practical exploration of ideological and political education reform and innovation.It is also a necessary path to solve the talent development under the new development of the logistics industry, and has positive and practical significance for universities,ideological and political education,industries,and students.

收稿日期: 2024-1-21
