在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《《述异记》中的靶向叙事》
安徽师范大学文学院,安徽 芜湖 241000
起止页码: 41--43页
自《汉书》中的语料转化指向之后,《述异记》作为六朝时期一部重要的志怪小说,其叙事指向性 有了进一步发展。统计其中征兆预知类故事的具体比例,可将其细分为三类,即对政治事件或前途命运的预 知、对鬼神祝福或诅咒的显现、对朴素正义观与自然观的宣扬。分析现存篇目,可以看出祖冲之对个人命运与 政治事件的高度重视,尤其体现了志怪“以补史阙”的强目的性,这种强目的性的叙事也为后世的小说创作提 供了语料和高超的叙事技巧。

Targeted Narrative in ShuYiJi
YANG Datao,WANG Yangfei
College of Liberal Arts,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu,Anhui 241000,China
Since the corpus in The Book of Han changed its orientation,Shu YiJi,as important weird stories in the pe- riod of Six Dynasties,has further developed its narrative orientation.According to the specific proportion of the predictive stories,they can be subdivided into three categories,namely,the prediction of political events or future fate,the appearance of blessings or curses of ghosts and gods,and the promotion of simple views of justice and nature.By analyzing the existing articles,we can see that Zu Chongzhi attaches great importance to personal destiny and political events,especially embodies the strong purpose of "filling the historical gap with weird stories",which also provided corpus and superb narrative skills for later novel creation.

收稿日期: 2023-12-13
基金项目: 安徽省2022年度高等学校省级质量工程项目“中国古代文学”(2022xsxx 071)
