在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《“两邻”理念视域下社区幸福教育的使命与路径》
沈阳开放大学,辽宁 沈阳 110003
起止页码: 33--36页
社区幸福教育能够促进社区和谐与发展、满足居民多样化的教育需求、提升居民的幸福感和获 得感、推动社区治理体系和治理能力现代化,与“两邻”理念理念相融、实践相汇、价值相通。在“两邻”理念的 逻辑理路下,社区幸福教育促进了社区居民的幸福感,增强了社区的凝聚力和向心力,从而推动了社区的和 谐与发展。为此,应建立和谐的社区教育环境、开展丰富多样的教育活动、培养居民的社区意识和责任感、关 注居民的精神文化需求、构建社区幸福教育支持体系,通过增进邻里间的信任与合作,营造和谐、温馨的社区 氛围,从而推动社区幸福教育的深入开展。

Mission and Path of Community Happiness Education from the Perspective of the Concept of "Two Neighbors"
Shenyang Open University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110003,China
Community happiness education promotes community harmony and development,meets residents'diver- sified educational needs,enhances residents'sense of happiness and gain,and promotes the modernization of community governance system and governance capacity,which is in harmony with the construction concept,practice and value of “two neighbors”education concept.Under the logic of "two neighbors"education concept,community happiness education pro- motes the happiness of community residents,enhances the cohesion and centripetal force of the community,and thus pro- motes the harmony and development of the community.Therefore,we should establish a harmonious community education environment,carry out a variety of educational activities,cultivate residents'sense of community and sense of responsibility, pay attention to residents'spiritual and cultural needs,build a support system for community happiness education,and create a harmonious and warm community atmosphere by enhancing trust and cooperation among neighbors,thus promoting the in- depth development of community happiness education.

收稿日期: 2024-1-5
基金项目: 沈阳市践行“两邻”理念专项科研课题“‘两邻’理念视域下社区幸福教育路径研究”(2022-020)
