在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《课程思政视域下老年英语建设的趋势及路向 ——以廊坊老年开放大学为例》
课程思政视域下老年英语建设的趋势及路向 ——以廊坊老年开放大学为例
甄宏伟1 ,柴 瑜2
1.廊坊开放大学,河北 廊坊 065000;2.河北开放大学,河北 石家庄 050080
起止页码: 29--32页
“十四五”时期是我国应对人口老龄化战略的重要窗口期,如何科学有效地应对人口老龄化事关 国家发展和民生福祉,对我国经济社会健康发展具有重大意义。为促进老年人厚德修身、终身学习、健康阳 光、乐享晚年、主动作为,扩大老年开放大学教育资源供给,不断满足学习者多样化学习需求,廊坊老年开放 大学开设英语这门语言类课程,以承担提高学习者思想政治素质为重任,润物无声般将英语课程与思想政治 教育有机结合起来,在课程思政视域下,持续深入探索英语教学新思路、新模式、新方法,不断提升教学和社 会服务能力,为助力全民终身学习型社会、学习型大国建设注入强大动力。

The Tendency and Path of English Curriculum Construction for the Aged from the Perspective of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education ——Taking Langfang Open University for the Aged as an Example
ZHEN Hongwei',CHAI Yu²
(1.Langfang Open University,Langfang,Hebei 065000;2.Hebei Open University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050080,China
The“14th Five-Year”Plan period is an important window period for dealing with the ageing population in our country.How to deal with the aging population scientifically and effectively is related to national development and people's well-being,which is of great significance to the healthy development of China's economy and society.In order to promote moral cultivation,lifelong learning,health sunshine,enjoyment of old age and active actions of the elderly,expand the sup- ply of open university educational resources for the elderly,and constantly meet the diversified learning needs of the learner, Langfang Open University for the Aged offers English as a language course,which undertakes the important task of improv- ing the ideological and political qualities of the learners and organically combines English course with ideological and polit- ical education.From the perspective of curriculum ideological and political education,we continuously explore new ideas, new models and new methods of English teaching for the elderly education,which will inject a strong impetus to help the whole people build a lifelong learning society and a learning country.

收稿日期: 2023-12-26
基金项目: 河北省哲学社会科学立项课题“老龄化背景下河北老年教育体系研究”(HB19 JY 036)
