在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2024年3期《互联网+老年教育服务模式的建构及其成效 ——以国家开放大学(国家老年大学)为例》
互联网+老年教育服务模式的建构及其成效 ——以国家开放大学(国家老年大学)为例
国家开放大学老年学院,北京 100039
起止页码: 22--28页
老年教育目前存在服务对象覆盖面窄、缺乏制度保障和系统设计、忽视需求侧开发、“一座难求” 与“供过于求”并存等问题。国家开放大学(国家老年大学)依托体系实施互联网+老年教育服务模式。对宏观 数据及微观数据的分析发现,国家开放大学(国家老年大学)互联网+老年教育服务模式将现代信息技术融 入老年教育,与多方面社会力量充分合作,开展线上线下相结合的课程与活动,部分解决了供给不足、差异性 不足、老年人社会参与等问题,初步构建了覆盖全国的老年教育供给体系,为促进老年教育高质量发展提供 了有效参考路径。

Construction and Effect of the Service Model of Internet+Elderly Education Service Model——Taking Open University of China(Seniors University of China)as an Example
LIU Caimei,LV Yihan
School of Seniors,The Open University of China,Beijing 100039,China
At present,there are problems in elderly education,such as narrow coverage of service objects,lack of insti- tutional guarantees and system design,neglect of demanding-side development,and coexistence of "difficult to obtain"and “oversupply”.The Open University of China(Seniors University of China)implements the Internet plus elderly education service mode relying on OUC system.The analysis of macro data and micro data shows that the Internet plus elderly edu- cation service model of the Open University of China (Seniors University of China)integrates modern information technol- ogy into elderly education,fully cooperates with various social forces,carries out online and offline courses and activities, partially solves the problems of insufficient supply,insufficient diversity,and social participation of the elderly,and initial- ly constructs a nationwide elderly education supply system,which provides an effective reference path for promoting the high-quality development of elderly education.

收稿日期: 2024-1-10
基金项目: 国家社会科学基金教育学重大课题“新时代老年教育服务体系建设研究”(VKA220009)
